“The Kissy Boxer: Watch How This Adorable Pooch Gives the Best Smooches You’ve Ever Seen! 😘”

As a boxer owner, you are likely aware of the many things that boxers love. Whether it’s your spot on the couch or the food you’re eating, your boxer can’t seem to get enough of it all. But what does your furry friend truly desire? Well, if your boxer is anything like the lovable Dexter, then it’s all about kisses! Yes, those inevitable boxer slobber kisses that seem to be unavoidable and uncontrollable. Whether you enjoy the affectionate gestures or try to dodge them, they will happen nonetheless. So, cue the romantic music and witness Dexter showering his owner with slobbery kisses and face licking in the following clip! Don’t miss out on the video showcasing Dexter the charming boxer expressing his love through slobber kisses and face licking. Apparently, this love session lasted for a whopping 20 minutes – how adorable! Watch the video below and share it to brighten someone’s day! 🙂

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