“Jack, please stop teasing him!” Distressed boxer dog whimpers as his buddy nails the “playing dead” act

Rumor has it that every pooch makes it to paradise, and one viral video definitely makes a strong case for it. Jack the dog steals the show as he expertly plays dead in the adorable footage, fooling his boxer pal Archie into thinking he’s really crossed over to the other side.

In the footage, Jack can be seen lying on his back, his feet and paws up in the air while his head is tilted to the side. Archie appears visibly upset, barking anxiously before joining Jack on all fours as if mourning his ‘lifeless’ companion.

Archie (left) is so distraught by Jack's play acting that he needs to be comforted by his owner

He repeatedly moans and barks, desperately hoping that Jack will get up

Archie (on the left) is feeling so upset by Jack’s convincing performance that he seeks comfort from his owner.
The boxer is overwhelmed with sorrow, prompting its owner Sam to come over and provide reassurance.
In the footage, she can be heard saying, “Okay! He’s not actually gone, he’s not gone. Jack, you’re really making him upset.”
However, Archie isn’t the only one taken in by Jack’s amazing acting abilities.

Archie looks up in desperation at his owner Sam for some sort of explanation 

Archie gazes up at Sam, his owner, with a pleading expression, seeking clarity. Sam realized there was a lot of worry online about Jack, so she decided to post a new video of the dogs having a blast together. In the video, Jack is seen happily playing with balloons, demonstrating that he is perfectly okay and just enjoys teasing Archie.

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