Lost and Alone: A Chance Encounter with Good Samaritan Changes Everything

I decided to give a name to a pair of homeless dogs that were seen roaming around with large tumors. I took it upon myself to help them out, and eventually ended up purchasing one of the dogs. This unfortunate pup, suffering from a huge tumor, weighs a whopping 6 kilograms.

After a relentless pursuit, I finally managed to capture her amidst the bushes and thorns in the field. Even after administering a tranquilizer to calm her down, she still put up quite a challenge, making me run a strenuous 1000 meters through the dense vegetation.

There was a significant danger involved as he could fall into a deep pit if he wasn’t fully alert. She attempted to bite me out of fear.

At long last, I managed to capture her, and now she’s on her way to the vet for treatment. Her name is Bunica, and the vet has arranged for her to undergo a necessary surgery as soon as possible.

Two days later, she underwent surgery, and we’re keeping our fingers crossed for a successful outcome as we eagerly anticipate the biopsy results.

After seven days, the surgery was a success and Bunica’s injuries are healing nicely. In three weeks, she should be able to go back home and enjoy improved health. She is on the road to recovery.

Grandma is finally settled into her new home and is getting ready to start a new chapter in her life after two months. She looks absolutely radiant now, and I am hopeful that she will be able to embrace this new journey and live a joyful life. Thank you.

Don’t forget to spread the word to your family and friends!

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